Category: Movies

  • The Fear of Strangers (in “Fear” and “Greta”)

    If you’re a highly successful horror author loved by millions, it’s good to be aware of the different fears that percolate through the human psyche. Or, if you’re me, an author who’s royalties from today paid for about a third of my cup of coffee (and this is a good day), well, it’s still a…

  • Black Mass: Film Noir Classic “Storm Warning” and the Grim Fate of Steve Cochran

    Years ago, I developed an interest in film noir movies and viewed many classics of the genre like “Double Indemnity”, “Touch of Evil”, “Notorious” and even neo-noirs like “Chinatown” and Brian De Palma’s “Sisters” (fun and kooky with gorgeous Margo Kidder!) More recently, I’ve been seeking some lesser known noirs and so, a few months…

  • Review of 1988 TV remake of “I Saw What You Did”

    Some of my first viewings of classic horror movies of the 50s and 60s (I’m talking about flicks like “Them” and “The Blob”) occurred because of a TV show that played on Sunday evenings in Honolulu where I grew up. I can’t remember the program’s name, but it was hosted by a talking skull (that…