Great review for “Arithmophobia”


I’ve mentioned in a few places that the short story “Solve for X” I wrote for the recently released anthology “Arithmophobia: An Anthology of Mathematical Horror” has a special place in my heart. I was really heartened that a reviewer for the web site The Horror Revolution picked up on what I was trying to lay down.

By far my favorite story, however, was Solve for X by Wil Forbis. A genuinely heartwarming story that reminds me a good bit of Summer of ’84, it’s a bit predictable perhaps but is incredibly well written. The style Forbis uses was right up my alley, and it’s the wittiest tale of the bunch. It’s funny and heartfelt while being terrifying in its realism, and it’s the story I’d most like to see be made into a film.

It’s always nice to see a story connect with readers. Check out the web site for more reviews and well as interviews and ‘Best of’ lists.

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